Sunday, March 19, 2006

New designs and things to do

Ok, tweaked a few things at The Good Life
Evidently I had started some things and never quite finished them. Also added an I love my lab bumper sticker.

Right now though am really brainstorming on a few more designs for the "Dust Bunny" collection i have there. Need enough to make a calendar with a design for each month. Maybe I'll call my sisters and see if they have any ideas. Kellee is very creative and has a funny streak a mile wide.

Also have some ideas in mind for missingnebraska
I have a new idea for another redneck design. Need to get it done and put up. Would like to have enough redneck designs for a calenday as well.

Finally figured out how to work with text in my photoshop program. Now I can make some really cool text for my designs. Already done 4 or 5, need to get them up too. Boy what a lotta work. At least I can do it in my sweats and be comfy!


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