
On another note, I am working on a workplace humor section for my missingnebraska shop. Ended up with around 25-30 new designs for the section. They are all text designs and there really should be something for everyone. Some are very sarcastic, firing jabs at the people who can turn an office into a torture chamber with their very presence. Others are just funny. Like,
"Who me? I just wander from room to room." Some are way to true. For instance, "You can go anywhere you like if you carry a clipboard and look busy". A few of the designs are up, it will take a while to get everything done.
I also have another project planned but not started. It's joke shirts for kids. Clean ones. The joke will be on the front of the shirt with the punchline on the back. They will be aimed at children from about 5-8. The jokes are actually more like questions with funny answers. All done in humor that kids that age will understand and appreciate.
Before I looked at Sonia Jensens Cafepress shop Visions of Fantasy Shoppe
I knew what a fractal was, but I didn't know that's what it was called. They remind me of what you would see in a kalediascope. Very cool.
She also has other great designs. I particularly like the fairies and was moved by the Warriors of the Rainbow designs.
The Rainbow designs are based on a prophesy made by a Cree Indian woman many many years ago. It goes like this.
When the air turns black, and the birds fall from the sky,
When the deer drop dead where they stand and all the waters are poisoned,
Then the Indians will teach the White Man to honour and revere Mother Earth and together they will become...
Warriors of the Rainbow.
(200 year old prophesy from Eyes of Fire, a woman from the Cree tribe)
Sonia was also nice enough to give me some great press on my Dust Bunny Collection so of course I wanted to return the favor. Also sending a prayer that her brother in law who is very ill will recover quickly.
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