Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Sidney Talk

My son called me last night and said to check out a blog here called Some guy in Sidney, NE is major mad at the city council about some letter signed by a couple of the council members. He goes on and on but so far hasn't published the letter, which he says he has a copy of. I'm not exactly sure why he's so mad. Seems to have a lot to do with the mysterious "letter".

He probably has a point. I wish he'd get to it. However, I also don't think he's done his homework very well on some of the council members. For instance he claims Mayor Weiderspon is not available to the public like a mayor should be. Dave Weiderspon on top of being mayor is also a Veterinarian with a wife and 3 kids. Veterinarians are Drs. They are on call just like any other Dr. and he doesn't have a back up, he's the only Dr. in his office. These guys are busy and work very hard caring for the animals in our community. And it's just not the dogs and cats, it's cows, pigs, horses, sheep, remember we are a rural farming community.

Marvin Filsinger did go to college, although off the top of my head I'm not sure where. He's also a very successful businessman, and very intelligent in the nature of construction etc. a business he's been in for years.

The other guys I don't know much about and really don't care. I could find out more if I wanted to. Actually, I thing I'll give Terry Christopher and Cottonwood Creations a call. That is a guy who knows all the gossip, I'm sure he can fill me in on the whole scoop.

While I was reading Sidney Talk, I took the opportunity to post a link to my shop, . Hey, the blog owner looked and complimented me on my site. Advertising is always good! And since this blog is soon to be more popular, I think I'll post a lot and use my site and signature. What the heck. Small town politics, ya gotta love it! LOL

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Redneck Santa

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Friday, November 03, 2006

John Kerry

Spoofing poor ole Big John. What exactly was SINator Kerry thinking? That was not a Fruedian slip or a flub. That comment was an out and out insult to our military. He should be very thankful that our service men and women are made of better stuff than he is. They are defending his freedom of speech, stupid as it is. But in the wonderful philosophical words of Forrest Gump,
Stupid is as Stupid does.

If you would like to have this design for yourself you can get it at Deer SINator
It can be had on t-shirts, mugs, hoodies and more. It would be really cute on the baby and toddler items! We all know everyone needs tuition money.

John Kerry

Spoofing poor ole Big John. What exactly was SINator Kerry thinking? That was not a Fruedian slip or a flub. That comment was an out and out insult to our military. He should be very thankful that our service men and women are made of better stuff than he is. They are defending his freedom of speech, stupid as it is. But in the wonderful philosophical words of Forrest Gump,
Stupid is as Stupid does.

If you would like to have this design for yourself you can get it at Deer SINator
It can be had on t-shirts, mugs, hoodies and more. It would be really cute on the baby and toddler items! We all know everyone needs tuition money.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Cute weight loss shirts

I found some really cute weight loss shirts, caps, mugs etc. You should check them out! - Celebrating your weight loss success!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Weight Loss

For those of you who don't know. I've been practicing weight watchers since the first Tuesday of this year. I am pleased to announce I reached my goal last week, and am now working on maintenance. It feels awsome to be rid of 51 ugly pounds.

I was loading a 40# sack of dog food for a client last night and was startled to think that just 10 months ago I was personally packing around 11 pounds more than that sack of dog food weighed. No wonder my knees hurt and I was tired and cranky by 5.

Weight Watchers has been a god send for me. I will be working very hard at keeping the weight off. I don't want to go through this again.

Power Surges

A little humor for those of you experiencing the bizarre symptons of menopause. Things like night sweats, mood swings, hot flashes. Let's start calling those symptons something better, like POWER SURGES. Sounds so much better than a hot flash.
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