Tuesday, April 25, 2006

pet friendly

Trying to put up more pet friendly designs. I also thought it would be nice to include a few to help promote animal welfare. That's how I came up with Don't procrastinate, vaccinate! So many illnesses that afflict our pets can be prevented by annual vaccinations. The treatments for these illnesses are often very expensive and the illnesses themselves are many times fatal. Vaccinations save heartache and expense. These designs can be found in the canine collection at The Good Life.

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Monday, April 24, 2006

dust bunny

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dust bunny

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Dust Bunnies

Here are some of my dust bunny designs.Available at The Good Life. www.cafepress.com/nebraskalife
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The Good Life

Hey everyone. Got this up at The Good Life.

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several designs

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several designs

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several designs

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Friday, April 21, 2006

New design, gas prices

Whew, the price of gas keeps going up and we'll lick the obesity problem in America, because we'll all be walking! Personally I think it's a conspiracy by the government to get us skinny and healthy.

I can remember when $5 would fill up my car.

Here's what you get for $5 now.

Monday, April 17, 2006

11 million illegal immigrants

I got to thinking the other day, America must still be the promised land. What other country on earth has the illegal immigration problem we do? So, I came up with this design for my cafepress store. Kind of says it all don't you think. You can see this and other great designs at missingnebraska

Monday, April 10, 2006

Shark Attacks

With the approach of swimming and shark attack season I thought this

design was appropriate for my online stores. You can see it at zazzle/shcirerf*

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